Honorary Committee:

Mrs. Helena Wayne (daughter of Bronisław Malinowski),
His Excellency Ambassador of United Kingdom in Warsaw John Macgregor,
Ministrer of Culture and National Heritage - Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski,
Prof. Peter Loizos - London School of Economics, Robin Rickard - British Council,
Jonathan Benthall - Royal Anthropological Institute, Sue Donnelly - Archiwum London School of Economics

The exhibition and this issue of "Konteksty" have been possible by generous support from:
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego / Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
British Council
Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego / Stefan Batory Foundation

Commercial Union

The photographs, pictures, drawings and objects presented on the exhibition were kindly loaned by:
Archives of the London School of Economics
National Museum in Kraków
National Museum in Warszawa
Tatra Museum in Zakopane
Museum of History of Photography in Kraków
Museum of Central Pomerania in Słupsk
Regional Museum in Toruń
Literature Museum in Warszawa
State Ethnographical Museum in Warsaw
Ethnographical Museum in Kraków
Jagiellonian Library in Kraków
Jagiellonian University Museum
Archives of Jagiellonian University

We would like to express thanks to:
Mrs. Helena Wayne
Mrs. Ewa Franczak
Mr. Stefan Okołowicz
as well as to other private proprietors, who loaned photographs, paintings and artefacts presented on the exhibition
The exhibition is accompanied with the Presentation of Films:

Bronislaw Malinowski, off the verandah
by André Singer
(52 min) Color - 1985, Series: Strangers abroad
Written and presented by Bruce Dakowski
Authors: André Singer, Chris Christophe, Bruce Dakowski, Central Independent Television
Producer and director - Andre Singer
Editor - Chris Christophe
Music - Mark Emney
Originally produced by Central Independent Television in 1985


The Noble Savage
by Jerzy Domaradzki
Produce & Directed by Jerzy Domaradzki
Collaborates: Dr Wojciech Dąbrowski, Dr Michael Young, Dr Grażyna Kubica-Heller
Editing: Urszula Rybicka, Studio Gali
Music: Wojciech Konikiewicz
Authors thanks to: Helena Wayne (daughter of Bronisław Malinowski), John Kasipwalova, the chief of Kwenama clan, People from island Kiriwina & Vakuta in Trobriand Archipelago, London School of Economics & Social Science

The editorial staff of "Konteksty" would like to thank all the institutions and private individuals for their co-operation and assistance shown in the preparation of this issue of "Konteksty" and the exhibition

This issue of "Konteksty" has been published for the exhibition:
Malinowski - Witkacy. Photography: between science and art.
A journey from Zakopane, Kraków... to the world. The origins of one of the greatest adventures of the 20th century.
   from July 17th to August 13th 2000:
The National Museum in Kraków,
Kraków, Al. 3 Maja 1

   from 2 to 24 September 2000:
Museum of I. J. Paderewski and Polish Emigration,
Branch of The National Museum in Warsaw,
Łazienki, ul. Szwoleżerów 9,

Organising institutions:

Institute of Art. Polish Academy of Science
The National Museum in Kraków
Festival Kraków 2000
Institute of Ethnology of The Jagiellonian University
Editorial board of the quarterly "Konteksty"

Organising Committee:

Zbigniew Benedyktowicz Ph.D.
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Science,
  editor in chief of the quarterly "Konteksty"
Stefan Okołowicz
photographer, editor of Witkacy photographs, Warsaw
Terence Wright Ph.D.
Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford
Tadeusz Smolick
- art director, Kraków
Zofia Gołubiew
director of National Museum in Kraków
Prof. Czesław Robotycki
director of Institute of Ethnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Grażyna Kubica Ph.D
Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Prof. Michael W. Young
Australian National University
Prof. Lech Sokół
Director of Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Science
Jerzy Domaradzki
film director
Światosław Lenartowicz
National Museum in Kraków
Katarzyna Barańska
Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Janusz Barański Ph.D
Institute of Ethnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Sławomir Sikora
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Science,
  managing editor of Konteksty, Warsaw
Maciej Krupa
ethnographer, freelance writer, Zakopane

The exhibition has been planned to coincide with the EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) international conference, which takes place in Kraków
(from July 26th to 29th 2000) organised by Jagiellonian University.
The exhibition also forms part of the
Kraków 2000 celebrations - Festival Krakow 2000.

Zbigniew Benedyktowicz, PhD       - artistic composition (Malinowski)
Stefan Okołowicz                          - artistic composition (Witkacy)
Terence Wright, PhD                    - artistic copmposition (Malinowski)

Curators of the exhibition:          - Zbigniew Benedyktowicz, Katarzyna Barańska,
                                                            Światosław Lenartowicz, Stefan Okołowicz

Exibition Design:                         - Tadeusz Smolicki
Executive desinger:                     - Paweł Wałek
Technicians:                                - Józef Wołoszyn, M.Sc. and Henryk Woźniak
Light:                                           - Zbigniew Bednarz

Editors of the issue of "Konteksty":
Editorial board of "Konteksty"
Design of the issue and poster:
Wojciech Markiewicz
Leaflet Design:
Krzysztof Tyszkiewicz

Translated by:
Maciej Bańkowski, Anna Bartkowicz, Małgorzata Dzieduszycka, Ewa Dżurak, Michał Kłobukowski, Ewa Krasińska, Maciej Krupa, Annamaria Orla-Bukowska, Liliana Pechal, Aleksandra Rodzińska-Chojnowska, Sławomir Sikora, Bartek Świetlik

Institute of Art and the editorial staff of "Konteksty" would like to express special thanks Stefan Batory Foundation for the donation on a new design of "Konteksty" and modernisation of computer hardware and software and peripherals

Editorial Staff of "Konteksty":

Edited by:
Zbigniew Benedyktowicz (editor in chief), Aleksander Jackowski,
Sławomir Sikora (managing editor), Danuta Benedyktowicz, Dariusz Czaja,
Jarosław jot-Drużycki, Czesław Robotycki
Collaboration and advice: Jerzy Bartmiński, Antoni Kroh, Ludwik Stomma, Roch Sulima, Zofia Bisiak
Wojciech Markiewicz
Technical editor:
Krzysztof Nalewajko

Editorial address:
Instytut Sztuki PAN, ul. Długa 28, PL - 00-950 Warszawa, PO box 994
tel. (+48-22) 831 3271/4 ext. 243; fax (+48-22) 831 3149