Issue 1995/1 (0) - Konteksty

Anna Sobolewska Nature and the Void in the Art and the Thought of the East 
*  An Interview Conducted by Leszek Koczanowicz with Professor Michael M. J. Fischer, Anthropologist and Member of the "Science, Technology and Socjety" Programme at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
Joanna Tokarska-Bakir The Further Fate of the Prodigal Son. A Project of Nontransparent Ethnography 
*  "It is your life" - Małgorzata Baranowska. Fragments 
Anna Sobolewska The School of survival 
Zbigniew Benedyktowicz Anthropology beyond anthropology; it is your life 
Janusz Barański Can the Metaphor become a Fairytale? 
Andrzej Kisielewski Advertising and Visual Mass Culture 
Anna Wieczorkiewicz  
Terence Wright Television Narrative and Ethnographic Film 
Krzysztof Kubiak Several Remarks on the Margin 
Hanna Olechnowicz Experiencing Colours 
Andrzej Perzanowski Brawls - Struggle and Ritual 
Anna Beata Bohdziewicz Photodiary, or a Song about the End of the World 
Antcmi Kroh In the Tatra Highlands 
Jacek Olędzki Gestures of Kindness 
Ludwik Stomma Answering Jacek Olędzki 
Aleksander Jackowski Marginal notes 
Wojciech Dohnal The Vision of Primitive Socjety in the Anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown 
Tomasz Marciniak The Anthropology of an Important Part of the Body, or a Shameless Review in Postmodern Spirit 

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