Issue 2002/1-2 (256-257) - Gdynia-Gombrowicz

Zbigniew Benedyktowicz Time in Ethnography 
Biography and Art
Krystyna Bartol Read, Read Homer... 
Giovanni Cerii Odysseus – A Hero Who Tells His Own Story 
Aleksandra Melbechowska-Luty Cywilizacja Trans-Atlantyk. The Ocean, Ships and Havens of Norwid and Gombrowicz 
Lech Sokół Edgar Duke of Nevermore and Bungo. Bronisław Malinowski as a Character in the Oeuvre of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz 
Katarzyna Suchcicka Two Eagles - An Interview Held by Katarzyna Suchcicka with Agneta Pleijel 
Agneta Pleijel Lord Nevermore 
Anna Malanowska The Theatricalisation of the Funeral of S.I. Witkiewicz 
Tomasz Grygiel A Victory of Art over Time? From the Current Premises of Schopenhauerian Thought 
Teresa Grzybkowska The Lady from Elche 
Ethnology Today
Barbara Czarniawska A Need For Symmetrical Ethnology in Management Studies 
Jerzy S. Wasilewski The Travelling Ethnologist. Confucius in Front of a Camera, the Female Shaman with a Microphone 
Urban Anthropology
Tomasz Wit Szerszeń "In the Shade of the Skyscraper" - an Attempt at an Anthropological View of New Architecture in Warsaw 
Peter J. Martyn A British Troy in The Heartland? On The Flourishing, Dissolution and Ultimate Oblivion of An Urban Civilisation 
Licheń and Contemporary Religious Sensitivity
Ewa Klekot Holy Pictures, Licheń and the Judgment of Taste 
Grzegorz Sokół The Madonna of Częstochowa as the Polish National Symbol 
Agnieszka Kula The Licheń Golgotha as an Example of the Rivalry of the Tradition and Popularity of the Way of the Cross Service 
Antonina Bereza The Functioning of a Contemporary Devotional Picture 
Magdalena Jagiełło From Holiness to the Mundane - or on the Profanity of the Devotional Image during the Decline of the Audiovisual Epoch 
Izabella Dzienisiewicz The Image of Licheń in the Media and in the Eyes of the Pilgrims 
Jacek Olędzki The Marian Sanctuary in Bardo Śląskie 
Jacek Olędzki Mexico. Contemporary Miracle Consciousness 
Karolina Siemion Miraculous and Ordinary Water 
Biography and Ethnology: Victor Turner
Mathieu Deflem Ritual, Anti-Structure and Religion: a Discussion of Victor Turner Processual Symbolic Analysis 
Małgorzata Baranowska The Postcard 
Jan Gondowicz The Passions of Pastor Dogdson 
Andrzej Pieńkos "My Buildings Are Paper, Like My Writings" Residences of English Eighteenth-Century Men of Letters. 
Zbigniew Osiński Osterwa’s Loneliness. What Is New in Research about the Reduta Theatre? 
Michał Łuczewski How the Belorussian Flower Tackled America 
Anna Spiss On the Usefulness of “Rubbish” 
Teresa Grzybkowska Norwid Recognised Anew 
Jacek Olędzki An Old Woman in a Cemetery 
Aleksander Jackowski The Others 
Jacek Olędzki Drawn with a Single Stroke, or Why Do Sparrows Bathe in the Sand in April? 
Sławomir Sikora Ethnography as a Way of Life, or Meetings with Village 
*  Notes on the Authors 
*  Summary of Articles 

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