Issue 2017/4 (319) - Context in \"Contexts\"

Zbigniew Benedyktowicz „Konteksty” in Contexts4
Małgorzata Sady, Zbigniew Benedyktowicz Serving Art. On Ephemeral Art in Sokołowsko7
Zofia Leszko The Forgotten Pearl of Lower Silesia. The History of Sokołowsko Görbersdorf to 194512
*  On the In Situ Foundation19
Jolanta Męderowicz Menument The Art of Bożenna Biskupska21
Magdalena Wicherkiewicz Possible Spaces25
Mariusz Knorowski Delineation of the Image – In Search of Form27
*  Menument. On the Oeuvre of Bożenna Biskupska29
Anna Maria Leśniewska, Zygmunt Rytka Between… A Conversation with Zygmunt Rytka36
Zygmunt Rytka Photographs39
Zuzanna Fogtt To Serve Creativity50
Janusz Zagrodzki Andrzej Mroczek in the Labyrinth of Art – from the Past to Infinity52
Jan Świdziński Twelve notes on contextual art57
Łukasz Guzek Świdziński as a Plumber - or on Waterproofing of the Context59
Andrea Pagnes On the ”State” of Performative Art and What It Is63
Dorota Grubba-Thiede Connected Balance – First Reflections on the 2017 Contexts International Festival of Ephemeral Art69
Józef Robakowski The Cruel Camera…81
Janusz Bałdyga Performance: Turns – Contexts, Sokołowsko 201284
Janusz Bałdyga Performance: A View into the Window85
Jan Elantkowski Motion and Space – a Conversation with Janusz Bałdyga86
Yola Kudela The Blind Leading the Blind88
Andreas Savva Shadow and Light. Line and Stones90
Inês Rolo Rolo Amado Ephemeral Permanence92
Kuba Bąkowski Red Kur94
Mariel Caranza Behind the Table #294
Jan Mioduszewski Barricade94
Katy Connor Blood Culture94
Krzysztof Żwirblis The Social Museum94
Robert Bean, Barbara Lounder Notation of the Event: Being-in-the-Breathable: an Annotated Walk96
Berenika Partum The Idea of Feminist Art98
Ralf Peters Voice in Performance Art102
Ralf Peters Following…104
Joanna Rajkowska Event Horizon105
Joanna Rajkowska On Three Realisations in Sokołowsko107
Przemysław Kwiek What Is APPEARANCE?108
Agnieszka Zalotyńska In Situ113
Dorota Grubba-Thiede Diorite Cube, Shining, Interferences by Richard Demarco115
Charles Ryder On the Road to Meikle Seggie. On Richard Demarco124
Jean-Baptiste Ganne Samoupravlanje127
Laura Bartolomei Study on Love127
Robert Kuśmirowski Graduation Tower 2014130
François Emmanuel From Poland to Sardinia: Along the Same Path on a Mountain Summit. On Para-theatrical Work with Ewa Benesz and Rena Mirecka133
Ewa Benesz Emigration139
Joanna Ruszczyk I’m Not an Expert on Politics - a Conversation with Maya Gordon147
Alicja Jodko, Mariusz Jodko Entropia Gallery151
Sandra Johnston Drawing a Breath: Weighty Deeds, Moments of Grace. On the Art of Alastair MacLennan160
Małgorzata Kitowska-Łysiak Selflessness166
Małgorzata Sady Koji Kamoji – Small Paintings169
Martin Zet I Wanna Be a Mass Grave174
Martin Zet Mobile Mass Grave175
Mark Leahy Anamorphic Sketch [trace]: Discovering Duality in Image and Event176
Marek Janiak On Still Charge179
Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska Romantismus und Heroismus und Erotismus Sometimes181
Adina Bar-On 40 x 40 / Sentenced to Life, 2008–2010 – A Performative Art Work187
Adina Bar-On Visual Communication through Movement189
Adina Bar-On No Matter #2192
Caroline Bagnall Live Art * First Movement / Level194
Rita Marhaug For the Love of Performance Art from Bergen197
Jerzy Hanusek Jerzy Bereś in Sokołowsko203
Jerzy Bereś The Quivering Object 1997212
Jerzy Hanusek How to Observe Art?217
Jacek Kasprzycki The Reality of Magic. On the Oeuvre of Joanna Krzysztoń and Grzegorz Rogala219
David Thomas Bring Me the Head of Ubu Roi222
David Thomas Composition and Improvisation224
Marilyn Arsem My Art226
Marilyn Arsem The Cure/Recovery – a Performance227
John Newling Whisper in a Square228
Marek Wasilewski Metamorphoses of WRO233
Piotr Zawojski WRO – Concealed Decades of Impact upon the Development of Knowledge about the Art of the New Media in Poland237
Zbigniew Warpechowski Avantgarde Conservatism241
Zbigniew Warpechowski Performare246
Anda Rottenberg The Outline of Shape. On Akademia Ruchu251
Agnieszka Rayzacher I Captured One on Celluloid, and the Other – Partly259
Nigel Rolfe Doing and Being265
Nigel Rolfe Full Circle267
Małgorzata Taraszkiewicz-Zwolicka The Half-Portrait as a Collection of Time268
Alicja Cichowicz Andrzej Dudek-Dürer’s Life Performance271
Henryk Waniek Mieczysław Litwiński274
John Schaefer Mieczysław Litwiński275
Antoni Matuszkiewicz Tower276
Jacek Bąkowski My Dreams about Flying278
Małgorzata Dobke-Krutulska, Leszek Krutulski Witosław Czerwonka279
*  "Contexts" – the Festivals Chronicle280

Contact us

Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Konteksty. Polska sztuka ludowa

28 Długa st.,
00-950 Warsaw, P.O. Box 999

phone. (0048-22) 50 48 243
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