Issue 1996/1-2 (232-233) - 50 years!

Stanisław Cichowicz Identity or the Conciliation of Difference 
Stefan Morawski On Mythological Aspects of Postmodernism 
Władysław Panas The Gate 
Witold Chmielewski The Centre of the Worki in Lublin 
Zbigniew Raszewski Zbigniew Raszewski to Piotr Mitzner. Letters to an Interned Ph. D. Student 
From Theatrical Workshop
Roman Woźniak Space in the Theatre, Theatrical Space 
Jacek Ostaszewski Music in the Theatre 
Anna Wieczorkiewicz On the Function and Rhetorics of Museum Statements 
Magdalena Jaworska An Ethnographic Museum a Decade Ahead of Its Time 
Justyna Laskowska New Tendencies in Museums 
Sławomir Sikora How Do They Do It in New York? Exhibitions 
Maryla Sitkowska Six Hours Ago 
Jacek Olędzki Plagues, the Elements, Demons, Providence and Saints, or Attempted of Self-cognition 
Aleksander Jackowski Leszek Macak Art Collector 
Aleksander Jackowski Jacek Łodziński 
Tadeusz Peiper Oldest Dance Songs 
Piotr Kędziorek Peasant Grumbling 
Władysław Hasior A Long for Beauty. Part II 
Czesław Robotycki Etnographic Déja Vu 
Aleksander Jackowski Konteksty: Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Half a Century of Publication 
Małgorzata Baranowska Warsaw. Months, Years, Centuries (Fragments) 
Books Recently Read
Zbigniew Benedyktowicz Little and Great Homeland 
Dariusz Czaja Faces, faces, faces... 

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Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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